Please read prior to booking your tickets.


Do I need to buy a ticket for my child who is in the performance?

No, performers do not need to buy a ticket to the show they are in.


There are so many performances, is my child performing in all of them?

This answer varies from student to student. Please refer back to your Rehearsal and Performance Schedule (RAPS) and ticket booking information sheets to see your child’s performance date(s).


I’m booking tickets online

Do not use the ‘Back’ button on your browser, only use the navigation buttons on your screen.  If you experience any difficulties (e.g. can’t see part of booking system, no option to clearly proceed to next stage of booking etc.) it is possible your browser is not configured correctly. Please try a different browser or computer.


I can’t select my own seats

Choose your own seating is not available where there is a high demand on the ticket site. Best available seating will be the only option during these times.


How can I select tickets to multiple performances without making multiple bookings?

Once you have selected tickets to your first performance, on the final Secure Payment page, you will be presented with a green button ‘Purchase Additional Tickets – To Another Event’. This will take you again to the list of available performances so that you can purchase tickets for multiple shows in a single booking. Ticket are reserved for 15 minutes so the full booking must be completed in this time.


Something went wrong when I tried to book and now I can’t select my seats again!

Ticket are reserved on the ticket system for 15 minutes. Either wait for tickets to be released or select some other seats.


I’ve booked tickets to the wrong show! What do I do?

If you have booked tickets to a show your child is not appearing in, please call Head Office ASAP.


I have accidentally made two bookings for the one show

Call Head Office ASAP and no later than one day after booking.


I’m not sure if my booking went through/I haven’t received a confirmation number

A confirmation number will appear on your screen upon completion of a booking. You will also receive a confirmation e-mail once the booking has been processed. Make sure you have hit the ‘Finalise’ button after entering all of your payment details. If you do not receive a confirmation number on your screen or a confirmation e-mail within 5 minutes, check your junk mail and call Head Office ASAP if no confirmation has come through.


How do I know if I’m entitled to a sibling discount?

Where two or more siblings will be appearing in the Stage School Performance seasons, and never appear in the same performance, you are eligible for our special sibling complimentary offer. Purchase a minimum of 4 tickets online at the group rate then call Head Office to claim your 4 complimentary tickets by 31st May 2022.

Additional seats are also available to each performance at the group rate. Please read further terms regarding this offer in the Important Information section of the Ticket Booking Form.

AYT only – Students who attend two AYT classes i.e. Youth Theatre & Players, will occasionally have their repertoire performed across multiple shows. Where your child does not perform all of their repertoire in a single show and you must attend more than one performance in order to see everything your child has been working on, you are able to take advantage of the above discount offer, whereby if you purchase four tickets to one show, you will receive four complimentary tickets to your child’s other show.


I am entitled to the sibling discount but I can’t get through to Head Office as the phones are too busy
DO NOT purchase your complimentary tickets online as no refunds for tickets will be issued. You can only claim your complimentary tickets by speaking to a staff member at Head Office. If you are unable to get through to Head Office, please continue trying in order to claim your tickets.


My page froze when I tried to finalise my booking

DO NOT hit the back button on your browser. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail within 5 minutes of booking, call Head Office or exit out of your browser and start a new booking.


My child’s performance is sold out

Stage School reserves a small selection of seats in the rear of the theatre in case family members miss out on booking tickets. If your child’s show has sold out, call Head Office ASAP and we will place you on an allocation list and endeavour to fulfil your ticket request in full. In the instance that we are unable to secure all of the tickets you are after, we will do our best to ensure each performer has at least one family member in the audience.



Performances are recommended as suitable for children aged 4 years and above. The standard duration of a performance is two and a half hours and performances may contain production effects such as strobe lighting, bright lights, smoke machines and loud music. You may be asked to leave the venue if your child is noisy or disturbing other patrons. If you intend to bring a child who is 12 months or younger to sit on your lap, please call to book your seat so that we can endeavour to allocate an aisle seat for you. All patrons over the age of 12 months must have a valid ticket and a separate seat. Please read further details regarding this policy in the Ticket Booking Form.